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Project #3 brainstorming and storyboard

Brainstorming for project #3

Maybe the transition to animation could be a peek into an alternate reality behind our own? I also like the idea of visiting an alien world through a spaceship/wormhole! Dream/nightmare is probably gonna be too overdone (and the whole “it was all a dream” trope is lame!) so make it a peek into something that IS real but is super different from our current reality! 

It would be neat to do some kind of animation exploring a futuristic/alien city, or maybe just seeing alien creatures all around! I really like the idea of seeing another planet and the wonders that might be on it! It could also be best to go for something simpler/easier to execute that’s still very interesting and fun to animate! 

  • Black hole trip? 

  • Alien city

  • Alien landscape

  • An impending storm is coming and the vortex becomes some kind of portal into another world? 

  • Some kind of cult summoning circle thing? 

IDEA! How about a brief look into what’s really happening inside of a microwave? It should be like a documentary, like I’m showing the world the shocking secret of how microwaves really work, and then the camera eventually goes inside of a microwave where it records the silly little creatures in there with their own little world/society, and the little events that happen within that lead to your food becoming warm! 

It should end with me forgetting that I left my food in there and it gets super burnt and smoky! Maybe there is a little mini dragon creature that breathes fire on the food and gets it warm? 

How do you plan on creating the transition from recorded reality to this alternate world? 

Rough timeline! 

  • “Have you ever thought about what is really in your microwave?”

  • “Have you ever given it a serious thought as to what goes on behind that closed door as your food spins and comes out warmer than it was before?” 

  • Start with video footage of me interviewing my roommates, it’s very serious and melodramatic, they’re all saying stuff like “you know, honestly, the truth shocked me.” 

  • “I had no idea there were just things like that living inside of my microwave”

  • “No, nothing lives inside of my microwave. What are you, a moron?” 

  • Interview people about the rumors of microwave creatures

  • I interview a conspiracy theorist who says he’s been saying this stuff all along

  • “The rumors, at least, are real. But the validity of the things they describe is still a matter of debate. I decided to settle the claims by finding out for myself.”

  • “I set up a secret camera inside of my dorm’s microwave to try and capture the little creatures in the act. I had to be very sneaky—according to legend, they hate being watched.” 

  • Little creatures doing their things

  • Greebles (the little creatures) should look like a ball with 2 huge eyes, 2 long cute legs, and a spike on their head (almost like how the ghibli soot sprites look). Greebles should love exploring and climbing things, so whenever you bring food into the microwave they start climbing it and crawling inside of it (like caves) and get super excited, and when they get excited they start vibrating, and it heats up the food. Sometimes they get into conventions and start heating up one part more than the others

  • The natural predator of Greebles are Squeebers and Squeebers are like weird silly little dragons that, once the food has been there for long enough, notice it (this is why your food gets burnt when you leave it in for too long, or even explodes) and the Squeeber flies in and starts breathing fire on the Greebles to cook them, who flee and heat up the food even more. Just play with it and have fun with it!! 

  • Also, why does the food spin? Do the greebles do that too? Or does the machine just want to show greebles all angles of the food to explore? 

  • Ends with the creatures burning the food and me opening it angry like “ugh! They burned it! What the heck!” 

Title it Greebles and Squeebers: A Microwave Ecosystem

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